Instructions to set up Volunteer Portal (VicNet)
- Click the link below
- Hit 'reset password'
- Type the email you provided on the volunteer application
- Follow the email link to create a new password
- Sign in using your new password and existing email!
Instructions to set up VicNet App
- Create an account following the above steps
- Download the app 'VicNet' in Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- Login using the same credentials
Utilizing VicNet App/Desktop
- Volunteers can view prior service history, YTD service hours, and past assignments
- Able to log service hours in specific assignments
- Volunteers can view and self-schedule within specific assignments and time-slots that are open
- Clicking on a specific assignment will provide duties, requirements, and any instructions
Volunteer Training Opportunities
Volunteers can sign-up to attend mini trainings through VicNet or by emailing [email protected]